Manisha Shire

OpenSearch with NodeJS

By Manisha Shire

Last updated cal_iconOctober 23, 2023

OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics platform designed for various use cases, including full-text search, log and event data analysis, and more. OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch, originally developed by Elastic, the company behind the Elasticsearch and Kibana projects. OpenSearch was created as a community-driven, open-source alternative to Elasticsearch. 

Use Cases: OpenSearch can be used for various use cases, including website search, log and event data analysis, application performance monitoring, security information, and event management. 

Kibana Compatibility: OpenSearch is compatible with Kibana, the popular data visualization and exploration tool. You can use Kibana to create dashboards and visualize data stored in OpenSearch. 

OpenSearch with NodeJS : involves several steps, including setting up OpenSearch, designing your data model, building a Node.js server, and creating a front end to interact 

1. Setting Up OpenSearch -> 

? Install OpenSearch on your server or use a hosted OpenSearch service.

 ? Ensure you have OpenSearch running and accessible from your Node.js server.

2. Designing Your Data Model -> 

? Define the structure of your data. For a blog, you might have objects for “posts” and “comments.” 

? Decide which fields are searchable and sortable

3. Setting up a Node.js Server -> 

? Create a Node.js project using a framework like Express.js. 

? Use the OpenSearch JavaScript client or a library to interact with OpenSearch from your server.

? Set up routes and controllers for creating, reading, updating, and deleting blog posts and comments 

4. Creating APIs -> 

? Design RESTful APIs for CRUD operations on blog posts and comments.

5. Implementing Full-Text Search -> 

? Use OpenSearch’s search capabilities to implement full-text search for blog posts.

? Customize the search query to match your requirements, including filters, sorting 

6. Implementing wildcard Search -> 

? Use OpenSearch’s search capabilities to implement wildcard text search for blog posts. 

Filter, Nested, Metrics Aggregation:

Filter Aggregation: OpenSearch allows you to filter documents within an aggregation to compute statistics on a subset of data. 

Nested Aggregation: Used for aggregating nested documents within a parent document. Helps when dealing with structured data in OpenSearch. 

Metrics Aggregations: It computes various statistics like average, sum, min, max, etc., on numeric fields. 


In this blog, we’ve explored OpenSearch, from initial setup to powerful search and aggregation capabilities. With OpenSearch and Node.js, you have the tools to build robust and data-driven applications. Keep experimenting, stay curious, and happy coding! 

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Ketan Jadhav

Closures in JavaScript

By Ketan Jadhav

Last updated cal_iconDecember 2, 2022

According to the internet, javascript is an object-oriented programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

Many of us use javascript in our day to day life, but we never paid attention to concepts of it. JavaScript closures are one of those concepts that many people have trouble understanding.

Closures in javascript

If you want to save yourself from the so-called monsters of JavaScript, you must understand how it works. I’ll explain what a closure is in clear terms and relate it to a real-life example to make it easier to remember.

So, What is Closure?

A closure is a feature in JavaScript where an inner function has access to the outer (enclosing) function’s variables.

Let’s understand it using below code snippet:

Lets understand it using below code snippet

Here we have two functions:

  • An outerFunc with variable f_name and returning innerFunc.
  • An innerFunc with its variable l_name and also accessing outerFunc variable f_name.


The scope of variable  f_name  is limited to the  outerFunc  function, and the scope of a variable  l_name  is limited to the  innerFunc  function.

Now, what happened when this line of code was executed.

 var getName = outerFunc(); 


Result of outerFunc() gets stored in a variable called getName and now is a function type.

And, Now comes the interesting part.

When getName() function gets executed:

  • It creates a variable called l_name and assigns a value John to it.
  • Now, javascript try to execute  console.log(“Name: “, f_name, l_name); , javascript knows that l_name variable is exist as it is just now created, but f_name is no longer existed because f_name is a part of outerFunc() and it will only exist if outerFunc() is in execution. So here f_name is no longer exists.


Then how will we get the f_name variable?

The answer is Closure!, yes you heard it right.

During the execution of the  parent   function, it passes its scope chain to the  child  function, and in this way, the  child  can access the variables that are preserved(closure) in the preserved variable.

So, our innerFunc() will preserve the variable  f_name=”John”  when the outerFunc() is implemented and kept holding it.

Now, on execution of  getName  function(child function), it has its own scope now, and scope also contains variable f_name because it has preserved variable within its own closure(scope) at the execution of parent function.

In this way, Javascript knows  f_name = “John”  and  l_name = “Washington”  , and we will get output as:  Name:  John Washington.

Closure stores the references of variables of outer function.

Hurrey!Now you have completely understood what closure is in javascript.

Hurrey!Now you have completely understood what closure is in javascript.


Closures are one of those concepts in javascript which is difficult to understand at the beginning, But one if you understand it carefully, it isn’t that bad or difficult.

Closures will allow us to access the variables and functions even after the execution of those functions has done.

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Shashank Baranawal

Hoisting in JavaScript

By Shashank Baranawal

Last updated cal_iconNovember 28, 2022

Let’s talk about hoisting in JavaScript, how it works and how we can benefit from it.

Hoisting in JavaScript

JavaScript’s another beautiful part that makes us love language.

So, let’s start with this :

What is Hoisting in JavaScript?

In simple and easy words hoisting in javascript means hosting is the action of moving all the variable and function declarations of the javascript interpreter to the top of the current scope before the code execution. It allows us to access the variables and functions anywhere in their scope, no matter where they are declared.

We will see various examples below that will help us better understand the Variable and function hoisting behavior of JavaScript.

In this article we will talk about:

  • Hoisting Variable
  • Hoisting Functions

Before moving on to hoisting, you must know undeclared variables do not exist until the code assigning them is executed.

All undeclared variables are global variables.

Hoisting Variable ?

The scope of a variable declared with the keyword var is its current execution context. This is either the enclosing function or for variables declared outside any function, global.

Consider the below piece of code and let’s see what the output would be.

Javascript hoists our variable language to the top of the file and declares is there but it does not set it equal to anything, then as the interpreter moves through the file to where the variable was initially declared and sets the variable equal to the correct value which is javascript.


You can see our first console log was undefined and the second console log was the value javascript since it ran through the file and set the language variable equal to javascript.

Note? : Although it seems that the declaration has moved up in the program in hoisting, what happens here is that the function and variable declarations are added to memory during the compile phase.

When the variable is declared inside the function, it will be hoisted at the top of the function, see the below example.

Out Put


Out put

We get a reference error when we try to access a topic variable in the console statement outside the function because the variable topic is hoisted at the top of the greet function instead of the top of the program, and it becomes a local variable instead of the global variable.

Variables declared with let and const remain uninitialized at the beginning of execution while variables declared with var are initialized with a value of undefined.

Hoisting Function?

Same as variable declarations are hoisted and moved to the top, functions that are declared also get hoisted.

get hosted



Get hoisted

We have called the helloHoisting() function before its declaration and get the desired output due to hoisting, the program is executed as follows:


function declaration is moved to the top due to hoisting!

However it we use functions as an expression then it’s not hoisted because be it variable or function hoisting it only works with var keyword, see below:

with var keyword

Output:- ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘sayHello’ before initialization

Reference Error

ES6: let Keyword

let Keyword


let Keyword output

As before, for the var keyword, we expect the output to be undefined. But this time we got a reference error. Does that mean let and const variables were not hoisted? The answer is that variables declared with let are still hoisted, but not initialized, inside their nearest enclosing block. If we try to access it before initialization, it will throw a Reference Error.


Hoisting is the default behavior of JavaScript that enables us to access variables and functions before their declaration. Hoisting works with var keyword and not let and const keywords, just the declarations are hoisted and not the initialization. If a variable is declared inside the function it will be hoisted at the top of the function and not at the global scope level. Functions are hoisted too, but functions as an expression are not.


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