Manisha Shire
OpenSearch with NodeJS
OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics platform designed for various use cases, including full-text search, log and event data analysis, and more. OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch, originally developed by Elastic, the company behind the Elasticsearch and Kibana projects. OpenSearch was created as a community-driven, open-source alternative to Elasticsearch.
Use Cases: OpenSearch can be used for various use cases, including website search, log and event data analysis, application performance monitoring, security information, and event management.
Kibana Compatibility: OpenSearch is compatible with Kibana, the popular data visualization and exploration tool. You can use Kibana to create dashboards and visualize data stored in OpenSearch.
OpenSearch with NodeJS : involves several steps, including setting up OpenSearch, designing your data model, building a Node.js server, and creating a front end to interact
1. Setting Up OpenSearch ->
? Install OpenSearch on your server or use a hosted OpenSearch service.
? Ensure you have OpenSearch running and accessible from your Node.js server.

2. Designing Your Data Model ->
? Define the structure of your data. For a blog, you might have objects for “posts” and “comments.”
? Decide which fields are searchable and sortable
3. Setting up a Node.js Server ->
? Create a Node.js project using a framework like Express.js.
? Use the OpenSearch JavaScript client or a library to interact with OpenSearch from your server.
? Set up routes and controllers for creating, reading, updating, and deleting blog posts and comments

4. Creating APIs ->
? Design RESTful APIs for CRUD operations on blog posts and comments.

5. Implementing Full-Text Search ->
? Use OpenSearch’s search capabilities to implement full-text search for blog posts.
? Customize the search query to match your requirements, including filters, sorting

6. Implementing wildcard Search ->
? Use OpenSearch’s search capabilities to implement wildcard text search for blog posts.

Filter, Nested, Metrics Aggregation:
Filter Aggregation: OpenSearch allows you to filter documents within an aggregation to compute statistics on a subset of data.

Nested Aggregation: Used for aggregating nested documents within a parent document. Helps when dealing with structured data in OpenSearch.

Metrics Aggregations: It computes various statistics like average, sum, min, max, etc., on numeric fields.

In this blog, we’ve explored OpenSearch, from initial setup to powerful search and aggregation capabilities. With OpenSearch and Node.js, you have the tools to build robust and data-driven applications. Keep experimenting, stay curious, and happy coding!