Ravi Sharma
API Automation Using Rest -assured With Live Example
What is rest assured?
- Rest -assured is a java library that provides multiple classes, interfaces, and methods by which we can test a RESTful API.
- We can handle all HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, etc, and validate the response also.
- For assertion, it allows us to use TestNG, Junit, and AssertJ testing libraries, etc.
- It is the best choice for API Automation because it easily integrates with Cucumber, Serenity, Logger, and other additional libraries which makes the process easy.
- Java (Version >= 8)
- IntelliJ IDEA (I’m using this IDE but we can use other IDE also such as Eclipse, NetBeans, etc)
- Dependencies: Rest Assured, Cucumber, SLF4J Logger, JUnit, GSON, Or Jackson Databind Library
Live Example:
Here, I’m going to automate Shopify order creation API with the help of rest assured and other additional libraries which I have mentioned above in the requirements.
Step 1: Test the desired API using POSTMAN before starting automation.
- Go to your Shopify store and create a private app on your store Click Here
- Get the API key after creating a private app
Select the HTTP method “POST” and enter this request URL
- “https://litmusbox-6.myshopify.com/admin/api/2021-07/orders.json”
- Enter the “X-Shopify-Access-Token” as key and API key as the value in the header in POSTMAN
- Go to the Shopify developer site and understand the order creation process Click Here
- To get “variantId” value, please go to edit the product page of your product and add “.json” in URL, and hit the enter button
- Please find the “Id” key under the “variants” and this is your “variantId”
- Open your postman enter the JSON structure in the body in POSTMAN
“order”: {
“line_items”: [
“variant_id”: 41198603108501,
“quantity”: 10
- Click on the “Send” button, verify the response and check the created order on the store
Step 2 Create Maven Project in your IDE
- Please follow the image step by step
- Click on “File” on the left corner of the IDE and click on “New”>Project
- Select “Maven” on “New Project” window and click on “Next” button
- Enter the project name in the “Name” field and you can update your project location as per your need and click on “Finish” button
- You can see that project has been created
Step 3: Install all needed dependencies using pom.xml in your project.
- Please add rest-assured, cucumber, junit, logger, and gson dependencies using pom.xml
- Pom.xml file will be look like this after adding all the above dependencies
Step 4: Setup your project directory for managing the files
- Please follow a proper project structure and for reference please follow the image
Step 5: Create the feature file and write the test scenario and steps
- Please create a feature file with “.feature” extension in the feature package
- Please write scenarios in the form of given, when, and then Click Here
Feature: Allow user to create order on Shopify store
As a user,
I want to create an order on my Shopify store
Scenario: To check that user is able to create order on his store with credentials
When User enters valid order details
| variant_id | quantity |
| 41198603108501 | 10 |
And User makes request to create order with order details
Then Order should be created on his shopify store
Step 6: Create a step file that covers all the steps and scenarios
- Please click on any step, press “Alt+Enter” and click on “Create all step definitions”
- Please enter a valid step file name, select valid package, and click on “OK” button
Step 7: Create model files for managing request and response
- Please go to http://pojo.sodhanalibrary.com/ , enter the order JSON in textarea , click on “Submit” button, and POJO will be created
- Please create the request models with the help of generated POJO files
Note: In auto-generated POJO, the “Integer” value can be considered as “String” so please update datatype accordingly in the project.
- For the response to the model, please copy the order creation response from POSTMAN and using the above website create response models
Note: Many response POJO files will be generated but I have taken only important files.
Step 8: Write the code in step file and run the scenarios from feature file
- Please write the code in steps file as given below and run the feature file
package demo.project.step;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured;
import com.jayway.restassured.response.Response;
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification;
import cucumber.api.java.en.And;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import demo.project.model.orderCreationModel.request.Line_items;
import demo.project.model.orderCreationModel.request.Order;
import demo.project.model.orderCreationModel.request.OrderCreationRequestModel;
import demo.project.model.orderCreationModel.response.OrderCreationResponseModel;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
public class orderCreationOnShopifyStore {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(“Logger”);
private final Gson gson = new Gson();
private OrderCreationRequestModel orderCreationRequestModel = new OrderCreationRequestModel();
private OrderCreationResponseModel orderCreationResponseModel = new OrderCreationResponseModel();
private Order order = new Order();
private RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given();
private Response jsonResponse;
@When(“^User enters valid order details$”)
public void userEntersValidOrderDetails(List<Line_items> line_itemsList) {
if (line_itemsList != null) {
@And(“^User makes request to create order with order details$”)
public void userMakesRequestToCreateOrderWithOrderDetails() {
.header(“Content-Type”, “application/json”)
.header(“X-Shopify-Access-Token”, “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”);
jsonResponse = httpRequest
@Then(“^Order should be created on his shopify store$”)
public void orderShouldBeCreatedOnHisShopifyStore() {
try {
Assert.assertTrue(jsonResponse.getStatusCode() >= 200);
orderCreationResponseModel = gson.fromJson(jsonResponse.prettyPrint(), OrderCreationResponseModel.class);
Assert.assertEquals(orderCreationRequestModel.getOrder().getLine_items().get(0).getVariant_id(), orderCreationResponseModel.getOrder().getLine_items().get(0).getVariant_id());
Assert.assertEquals((int) orderCreationRequestModel.getOrder().getLine_items().get(0).getQuantity(), orderCreationResponseModel.getOrder().getLine_items().get(0).getQuantity());
log.info(“Assertion have been passed successfully.”);
} catch (Exception exception) {
log.error(“Exception has been occurred !!!”);
} finally {
orderCreationRequestModel = null;
orderCreationResponseModel = null;
order = null;
httpRequest = null;
jsonResponse = null;
log.info(“Memory has been clean successfully.”);
- Added one more scenario:
- After running the feature file response will be appear in “run” window
- We can see that two order has been created on the Shopify store.
- In this way, we can automate the order creation API.
- Every organization has its own testing standards so you can manage the project accordingly but most of the time flow will be the same.
- I have used several libraries such as Rest Assured, Cucumber, SLF4J Logger, JUnit, GSON, so if you want to understand these libraries in-depth then you can click on their title and you will redirect to their tutorial page.
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